Sunday, November 9


Basically, since we got back from Canada, Nick has taken on this new obsession. 

Exercise. This is a good thing of course but obsession is not. He does football twice a week, curcuit and weight training once a week and rides his bike 10 miles to work and 10 miles back 2-3 times a week! This is a pretty far ride and Ive done it with him when he ends up riding my bike into work and then there is 2 bikes for us to take back. This hasnt happened in a couple of weeks though and Ill tell you why. We bought 2 bikes from the Gumtree (Craigs list brother) for £50 each and they are decent bikes but basically cant take the wear and tear of 60 miles a week (duh) so London has this Cycle Through Scheme that gives you an interest and tax free loan for a brand new bike to encourage us to ride to work.

So Nick got this new bike which I must say is his new baby.

It is pretty nice, really light and smooth. And because there was money left over (given to you in the form of vouchers so you cant spend it anywhere else) So he spent the rest on a bike for me!! 

Im so excited! Ive never actually owned a brand new bike before. Ive always had second hand. And let me tell you something, I might even consider riding in once a week (or something). Its so nice and I love my boyfriend! So now its great coz we have 4 bikes and when Mike & Mandy get back we can all go for a nice ride. We can get Karis one of those baby seats and  lil' helmet.

So heres an update on things with the Fam.

Tom is no longer bothering us. In fact we havent heard anything from him since we reported him which was the point. So thats good.

Nick completed a 10 mile run for the BUPA Great South Run in Portsmouth. Thousands of people do the race for a charity of choice (Nick does RNIB Royal National Institute for the Blind) every year.

Unfortunately it rained all day so me and Rose sat in the pub watching everybody pass eating hamburgers. 

Also, on the same day, Nicks great Auntie Joan (the sister to who died back in August) has passed away. The funeral was this past friday. It was quite sad and I knew her quite well. At 83 years old though and the shape she was in, I think shes quite happy.

On the plant update, my ivy is slowly climbing up the wall.

My money tree wont stop growing. I quite liked it how it was and now its sprouting a new baby!

On our lazy side of things and lack of resources, we desperately need a new gate! Where the heck do you get these from I would like to know?? 

For some reason, it doesnt seem to bother Nick but I think its embarrassing! How ugly is this? I tried to fix it with rubber bands but now its beyond DIY and a nice iron gate or even a wooden one would be quite nice.

Anyway, days are shorter and still a bit warm but today seems a bit miserable and colder. Crhistmas parties are already starting to be planned and our weekends up until Xmas and even after are starting to fill up! Its always so busy this time of year.

Oh yeah, go and see Burn After Reading (Brad Pitt & George Clooney film) It is excellent! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the gate is an easy fix. It just requires a couple simple tools...hammer nail screwdriver and screws maybe. Have I taught you nothing zed?

Oh and specialized is a good name..nick will like that bike