Friday, October 24

Carrying On

Unfortunately, some people have a harder time moving on than others.

We were awoken at 2:30am last night by Tom (Beths ex) banging and shouting on our front door.

Nick got up (didnt open the door thankfully) but just told Tom to go home or he would call
the police. Toms excuse for coming over was to tell Beth to stop calling him. I know for a
fact this isnt true because she couldnt even call me coz she didnt have any credit on her
phone coz shes on pay-as-you-go now.

Nick ended up calling Toms Dad and waking him up (of course) at 3am telling him to sort his
son out. A very adult conversation.

Thing is, Nick has been nothing nice to Tom and was probably the only one who properly
accepted him back into our lives when they got back together after the 1st break-up. It
definetly wasnt me after hearing about how psycho Tom was to Beth after they broke up back in
March. He was calling me, Kim, Christine and even Rosina whining and moaning about Beth had
broke his heart etc. sometimes even in the middle of the night.

So basically, this is the last straw. What is it with these ex-boyfriends? Kim didnt get rid
of Graham for 2 1/2 years after they broke up and it wasnt until she got pregnant that Terry
took over and made her change her phone number.

Anyway, it is a pretty shit situation but the main thing is, the whole family gets involved.
Its never kept between just the two of them.

On a not so light note, remember the funeral of Nicks great Auntie Eileen we went to in
August? Well, her younger sister, Auntie Joan, is now in the hospital and literally on her
last legs. The doctors have even given her a couple of hours so it looks like we possibly may
be going to another funeral soon. Thing is, Auntie Joan is the last one out of 12 brothers
and sisters to still be alive.

Aaaaaanyway.....we went out with friends a couple weeks ago and I met this massive Canadian
man from Vancouver. Hes a friend of a friend and we were chatting about buffalo wings and
margarita night at Earls. Y'know, the important stuff.

Basically, hes writing a book about relationships coz he thinks he has women figured out. I
said I had 3 theories:

1) English girls are snobs. He was very interested in this. Mostly coz he said he had no
problem getting a girlfriend back in Canada (which I highly doubted considering his looks)
but found he struggled with the women in London. I find this a little unsettling considering
theres about 5 women to every man and lets just say hot women/ugly men.

2) Some women search for a father figure in a man. For an example, if maybe the father wasnt
around for the daughter then she may be attracted to and date much older men...He was
wondering at what age this stopped at. Which I think this is a bit ridiculous that he would
have thought it stopped at all throughout that womans life. Why else would a woman want to
date a man the age of her father? I certainly wouldnt.

3) Opposites attract. I gave a very good example of me and Nick and how he is the life of the
party, and im the calmer one...etc. And he said..."this is the hardest one I had to
conceptualize". What is he talking about?? Of course opposites attract! Doesnt he know the
Paula Abdul song?! And this guy is trying to write a book about women!

He asked for my number (research for his book) and I politely declined (well, I was a little
drunk so probably just laughed at him - but all the same) and gave him my email address
instead. Nick wasnt happy about this but I dont think he felt that threatened.

Anyway, he wrote my theories down and wanted the full version of why I think all these things
and said he would put it in his book and give me credit for them. My claim to fame! Although,
looking at this guy ie. looks + personality, hes not exactly Casanova.

Anyway, hes emailed me but I just dont have the inspiration and possibly the facts to base my
theories upon. Or maybe I just cant be bothered anymore. Lost in the moment maybe.

PS Happy Birthday Jesse! I know it was yesterday but Im writing my blog today so thats why Im saying it now. Besides, I emailed you yesterday anyway.

1 comment:

GraceeJ said...

Thanks for the happy wishes. I didn't get no email though. Did you send it to I don't have a telus one anymore :(