Sunday, September 28

Things Little Hands Like

Update on the visa...It was really quite simple this time. Less stress than I thought it would be. I had to go with the extension which I kinda regret because the indefinite leave wouldve been hassle free in a year or two...however long the extension is good until. It was only because of the stupid 'life in UK' test. Cara even said it was super easy but you did have to do a quick study of it which probably wouldve taken me a week to do (maybe not even). And I guess the cost of it all was a bit of a shock.

All in all, it has been sent off and I just have to wait for it to come back so I can book a trip to Italy with Mike and Mandy & Karis who will be here in LESS THAN A WEEK!!! I cant even believe it. I probably wont even believe they are actually here even when I pick them up from the airport. Ive been sorting out the room for them (its really crowded in there now with a desk and an adult size single bed for Karis! I keep noticing stuff that I will probably have to move from Karis' reach like my cactus plants on the window sill.

This is very in her reach as well as my make-up under my mirror in my bedroom.


and the shelves in the kitchen that I just know she will love to explore.

On the job front…We hired another doc controller and she is so good! Very practical, smart, ambitious...better be careful, she might show me up! She is taking some of the weight off of me so I can now concentrate on the project that I let get a bit out of control but I now feel like I actually understand what the process is which is so great! So I think Ill stick it out for a while instead of getting my boss to move me up. Although it would be nice (pay, experience etc...) but I really dont feel that passionate or ambitious about Project Management and would rather be working in a vets office anyway. The free underground travel is nice though.

Friday Night with Jonathan Ross was sooooo cool!!!! I didnt know the 2 guests but it was pretty cool seeing Stevie Wonder. Like a private little show for us...and Ray & Cara informed us that they finally fell pregnant after a year of the stress of trying for a baby. I guess a year isnt so long considering that some people take a lot longer but Im so excited for them and cant wait to see them with a little wee one.

Anyway, al I can think about for the past week and Im sure this week is that Mike, Mandy & Karis will be here, in my house, seeing the places I see and meeting the poeple I know and that is enough to distract me from absolutley everything.

Tra La La!!!

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