Thursday, October 9


Its funny the changes life throws at us. Thinking back to my years that I have spent learning, loving, meeting people, saying goodbye to others, watching other people grow and change with or without me. Being in different places and learning different ways to live. Surprisingly, seeing friends again that say to me, "I thought I knew what you were like", and me saying it right back to them. Or...theres being with the same person who saysto you, "I know what your like", and being able to say that right back to them.

I guess everyone hits a time in their life, AKA a 'mid-life crisis', when you just want a change, in spite of all the little changes that are happening around you everyday anyway. Ive been realizing how fast the days go by and Im completely and utterly perplexed by it. this never happened in high school. The older I get, the faster time goes, and the sadder that makes me. How can one possibly live every day of life to the fullest?! How can going to work 5 days a week leave you time to be able to relax, enjoy or whatever it is you choose to do after work? Where do people find the energy for this anyway?? Is living life to the fullest being content with what you have? Or is it going out and doing something all the time...

On days like this I feel I need to go to my house, clean it spotlessly, go through my wardrobe and throw out clothes that I havent worn in the past year (or sell on ebay of course), get rid of make-up that I dont use and that is probably so so old, change my haircolour etc. This of course is a dangerous time to go window shopping aka 'Impulse Buying'. Maybe its the change of season, maybe its realizing youve been doing the same old boring job day after day, I dont know, all I do know, is this is when the time came that I would need to pack up and move to the next place. Although I cant do that now, coz I own a house. Maybe this is why Im feeling so itchy. Weve been living here for over a year...just. This may be the longest that Ive been in 1 house.

This is progress.

1 comment:

GraceeJ said...

I know exactly how you are feeling. I have thought those same time and change related thoughts. This year I decided to embrace age which is getting harder to do as the time flys by so fast. I've also been makeing a point of trying to enjoy every day to its fullest, even if I'm just at boring work or boring school or boring whatever. The point is that life really is a gift as cheesy pat-answer as that sounds so by being discontent, I just waste it.
Ya, I don't know if it helps to know you are not alone in your thinking...or maybe my reply is annoying?
I don't know, I do know I love you and regret not spending more time with you when you were here. Something I am determined to remedy in the future :)
Love J