Monday, September 8

Visa worries...again

Once again, my visa is coming up to its expiry date. In fact, I haveto send away for it next week Monday. I had printed out the 2 forms which I could apply for two different visas and gave them to Nick well over a month ago to look at. (Hes pretty good at business type stuff like that.)

Well, he still hasn’t looked at it and I have 7 days left….sound familiar??

So the two different visas…One is an extension which allows me to stay another 2 years which of course leaves it open to move to Canada when it expires in Oct 2010.
The other is an indefinite leave to remain which pretty much is residency in a certain amount of time which would save us the hassle in having to deal with yet another visa in 2 years!

Because Nick …and I, have left this so late to look over….The indefinite leave to remain one is the one where you haveto take the ‘Life in the UK’ knowledge test which my kiwi friend Cara has just taken. You haveto request the book to ‘study’ and she said it took her about a month to learn it all, politics…etc. She took the test in about 8 min and had to wait 45 for it to finish. So the test wasn’t hard but the studying was. Multiple choice I think she said. But I obviously don’t have time to do that which is good I guess coz I never did like to study.

The price difference between the two is about £400 as well so maybe it is for the best I go for the cheaper one considering were in the midst of a credit crunch right now.

So I am now applying for an extension which we basically just have to prove that we are a couple and we have been living together which is pretty simple considering we own a house together.

I just need Nick to do a couple things which unfortunately is easier said than done. I guess I fall short in this category lately as well.

So I cant make any travel plans either since I don’t know when my passport will be coming back to me which is good anyway though and it saves us some money. I also still have 10 days left to take so we can go to Italy with Mike & Mandy when they are here for Christmas!!! Chime chime the bells are singing!!!

On the homefront…been accumulating so much stuff. Big stuff…like beds and bed bases and dressers and chairs…and we spoke to Terry about an extension that we would never be able to afford! But it would be amazing if we could and it would totally open up the dining room and kitchen. Oh, if we were only rich. I guess paying Des back is 1st on the agenda.

I have also been taking a different route to work and this is the same train wet-haired girl takes. So we are reunited once again. And this train is so much better because I always get a seat which is so wonderful.

On the job front…I am so sick of doc control. My boss is back from his 2 wk holiday so I am going to seriously bug him about the position he wants to bump me up to. Im getting treated like the office admin since we moved and lost Chantelle, our old office admin girl and I guess I deserve it as I actually care if the printer runs out of paper. But I think I deserve to move up a slot in the career ladder of London not that I want to be working in an office in the first place but right now, Im just sticking it out.

I know a lot of you wont know what Im talking about but I requested tickets for Friday Night with Jonathan Ross (British equivalent of Jay Leno) you haveto request tickets in advance and theres a waiting list of 6-9 mths….Well, lo and behold, they just popped through my letterbox last Friday and we get to go this Wednesday!! I cant wait. And It is #13 on my list of things to do which is great! So we are taking Ray & Cara since they love him as well. And I actually told Cara that we were going to invite one of Nicks friends but we didn’t want the others finding out in case someone got jealous. Why did I tell her that?? I didn’t have to say anything. So now she knows that we did consider taking someone else other than her. I still have some etiquettes to learn.

Ill let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well...if your visa does go through you can still complete #31 on your list with us! (Dec 10-22)

Have fun this friday night!
